Kris August

Celebrating the Interconnectedness of Life

Happy Winter Holidays!


Midwinter's day is upon us - December 21st is the Winter Solstice! It is the shortest, darkest day in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the day that we turn the corner and start heading back into the light of spring and summer.

The winter season is full of holidays that bring light into the cold, dark days. It is fascinating to me how many cultures have traditions of winter celebrations that center on light, fire, candles, and stars. Our ancestors all over the world lived in close connection with nature and the changing of the seasons. They felt the cold and darkness more deeply than those of us with shelter, food, and electricity. Those sparks of light must have been inspiring, bringing the promise of warmer, brighter days to come.

This winter I am grateful for the comforts of home and connections with friends, family, and nature. It concerns me that in our modern, enlightened world there are still people who do not have those simple needs met. I find myself sending out a message of love in hopes that it will land where it is needed.

However you may be celebrating this year, whether lighting a candle on your own, or reveling with others, I wish you Peace and Love!